Nordea Bank Abp 应用

Siirto – Digital Cash 3.7.1
Nordea Bank Abp
DIGITAL CASH, ALWAYS WITH YOU You didn’t bring any cash with you?Don’t worry. Siirto replaces cash in everyday small payment needs,and it’s always with you in your cell phone. An easy andhassle-free way to split costs with a friend, send allowance toyour child, pay at a flea market – and more. MADE IN FINLAND – SAFEAND SECURE Siirto is a Finnish mobile payment application where allusers are strongly identified. You can use the application inEnglish, Finnish or Swedish. Children under the age of 15 can usethe application with digitally signed parental approval. ALMOST AMILLION USERS All you need to transfer money is the recipient’smobile number. Enter the amount and swipe, and the money will beimmediately transferred from your bank account to the other usersbank account. SHARE COSTS WITH FRIENDS Did you buy a joint gift orpay a restaurant bill? Or maybe you bought movie tickets for yourfriend? Siirto makes it easy for you to request money from anotherSiirto user, and it’s easy to keep track of open requests. EASY TOFOLLOW TRANSACTIONS Payment data is saved like chat messages intoconversations. It’s very easy to see your payment history betweenyou and a friend. HANDY QR CODE Siirto payments are also easy tomake using QR codes. Just read the merchant's QR code, confirm thepayment, and you’re done! Handy in situations where you do not knowthe recipient, such as at a flea market or a coffee stand. Readmore:
Nordea Mobile - Sweden
Nordea Bank Abp
Nordea. Always close at hand.
Nordea Wallet
Nordea Bank Abp
ALWAYS UP TO DATE Nordea Wallet keeps track of your cards foryou.It’s an easy way to check your balances,card payments andcashwithdrawals. Did the payment go through? The app informs youaboutall card purchases, including internet shopping andautomaticcharges. You can also view a monthly category overview ofyour cardusage. All transactions are immediately shown on the appto makesure you’re always up to date. To use Nordea Wallet you needaNordea card and an authentication method (BankID, MobileBankID,NemID or the Codes app). PAY WITH YOUR MOBILE PHONE TakeGoogle Payinto use and you no longer need your wallet to goshopping. Makesmall purchases just by taking your phone close tothe paymentterminal, as you would when making a contactless cardpayment.Purchases over 25 euros you verify by unlocking the phone.GooglePay works anywhere where contactless payment is possible.Aroundthe world. Read more:
Nordea Mobile - Finland
Nordea Bank Abp
Nordea bank services in your pocket
Nordea Mobile - Norway
Nordea Bank Abp
Nordea Mobile – always close at hand. With the mobile bank you cando everything you use the bank for in your everyday life: transfermoney, check your balance, pay bills, buy and sell funds and much,much more. WHAT YOU CAN DO IN THE MOBILE BANK: • Design your ownfront page. Then you can see the accounts you use the most. • Addyour cards to Google Pay/ Apple Pay / Garmin Pay or Fitbit Pay andleave your purse at home. • Scan your bills with the camera andtransfer money between your accounts or to a friend. • Buy and sellfunds and get a quick overview of all your savings and investments.• Have meeting with and advisor directly in the app. • Log onquickly with BankID, Nordea ID, fingerprint, face recognition orpersonal code. Your choice. TAKE CONTROL OF YOUR CARDS: • If youforget your PIN-code for one of your cards, it's easy to view itdirectly in the app. • If you lose one of your cards, you caneasily block and open it again, if the card should appear. If not,you can permanently block it and a new card will be sent youautomatically. • You can minimize the risk of fraud by limitingwhich geographical areas your credit card can be used. You can alsochoose if your card should not to be used for internet shopping.CONTACT US AS IT FIT YOU BEST You can chat with us 24/7. And youget through the fastest if you do it via the mobile bank. If youhave trouble with opening our new mobile bank please We hope you enjoy the new mobile bank :-) Give us yourfeedback directly in the app. We are constantly working to make themobile bank even better.
Nordea Direct Mobilbank
Nordea Bank Abp
Nordea Direct mobilbank er trygg, rask og enkel å bruke og lardeggjøre alt rett fra mobilen. Med appen har du kort vei til åsjekkesaldo, overføre penger, betale regninger, se oversikt overlån ogmasse mer. Du har alle de samme tjenestene som i nettbanken.Noenhøydepunkter i mobilbanken: • Bli kunde rett i appen og fåtilgangtil alle bankens tjenester • Få full kontroll på familienskontoer• Logg inn og betal med Face ID, fingeravtrykk eller dinegen kode• Lag egne snarveier til de tjenestene du bruker mest •Oversiktover økonomien frem til neste lønning • Kontakt ossviameldingsboksen Enkel aktivering For å ta i bruk appen førstegang,må du identifisere deg med BankID, BankID på mobilellerkodebrikke. Deretter kan du bruke fingeravtrykk, Face IDellerselvbestemt app-kode. Treff oss på hvis dulurer pånoe. Informasjonskort og varsler Vi vil sende deg varsleromeFaktura, viktig informasjon og nyttige tips imobilbanken.Varslene/informasjonen kan slettes ved å trykke på «x»øverst ihøyre hjørne. Varsler du har slettet, kan ikkegjenopprettes.
Nordea Swish Företag
Nordea Bank Abp
View and manage your company received Swish-payments instantly.
Nordea Business FI
Nordea Bank Abp
Nordea Business Mobile is Nordea’s new app for corporatecustomers.The new app gives you the opportunity to handle yourcompany’sdaily banking business wherever you are. You can get aquickoverview of incoming and outgoing transactions, accessyouraccounts, make payments, transfer money and much more. - Loginusing Fingerprint or Face recognition - View account balancesanddetailed transactions - View loans, credits and future payments-Transfer money between your own accounts - Create andconfirmsingle and multiple payments - Create, edit and deletee-invoices -Scan invoices - Shake your phone to log out
MyInvest 1.6
Nordea Bank Abp
MyInvest er en app til danske investorer, som løbende vil følgemedi deres investeringer – og ikke mindst, hvad der rører sig pådeglobale, finansielle markeder. Her vælger du selv, hvilke fondeduvil følge, hvorefter du løbende bliver opdateret påfondenesudvikling. Og ønsker du at se nærmere på fondenesspecifikkeegenskaber og historik, kan du nemt og enkelt få detfulde overblikmed et enkelt klik på fonden. Som en ekstra bonus erapp’en fyldtmed et stort udvalg af velskrevne artikler om stort ogsmåt fra deglobale markeder. MyInvest opdateres løbende med nyeartikler, oger både nem og overskuelig at finde rundt i. Detskyldes blandtandet, at der aldrig er mere end 24 artikler at vælgemellem iselve app’en. De 24 artikler udvalgte artikler er baseretpå de’interesseområder’, du vælger at følge. Det vil sige, at såsnartdu til- eller fravælger et område, så ændrer artikeludvalgetsigtilsvarende – og du har nu adgang til helt nye artikler. Hvis duerinteresseret i et eller flere specifikke emner, kan dudesudenvælge at få notifikationer, når der er nye historier, sommatcherlige netop dine interesser. Klar til at dykke ned iinvesteringensenestående verden? FEATURES - Følg dine fonde og blivopdateret påderes udvikling direkte i app’en - Dyk ned i historikogkarakteristika for de enkelte fonde - Sortér på emner og findnyeartikler – enkelt og nemt - Vælg interesseområder og ’mixandmatch’ artikler automatisk - Bliv notificeret, når der ernye,relevante artikler til dig - MyInvest er nu fuldt optimerettilbrug på Android-tablet - MyInvest findes på dansk, finsk, svenskognorsk MyInvest er udviklet af Nordea Invest og vil løbendebliveopdateret med nye investorrelevante features.
Nordea Business SE
Nordea Bank Abp
Nordea Business Mobile is Nordea’s new app for corporatecustomers.The new app gives you the opportunity to handle yourcompany’sdaily banking business wherever you are. You can get aquickoverview of incoming and outgoing transactions, accessyouraccounts, make payments, transfer money and much more. - Loginusing Fingerprint or Face recognition - View account balancesanddetailed transactions - View loans, credits and future payments-Transfer money between your own accounts - Create andconfirmsingle and multiple domestic and international payments -Confirmpayments by using dual authentication - Switch agreement ifyouhave multiple agreements - Start a chat with one of our agents-Book and join online meeting with our advisers - Shake yourphoneto log out
Nordea Business DK
Nordea Bank Abp
Nordea Business Mobile is Nordea’s new app for corporatecustomers.The new app gives you the opportunity to handle yourcompany’sdaily banking business wherever you are. You can get aquickoverview of incoming and outgoing transactions, accessyouraccounts, make payments, transfer money and much more. - Loginusing Touch ID or Face ID - View account balances anddetailedtransactions - View loans, credits and future payments -Transfermoney between your own accounts - Create and confirm singleandmultiple payments - Confirm payments by using dualauthentication -Switch agreement if you have multiple agreements -Start a chatwith one of our agents - Book and join online meetingwith ouradvisers - Shake your phone to log out In order to useNordeaBusiness you need to have an online agreement for NetbankErhvervwith NemID. Read more about Nordea Business Mobileon
Nordea Mobilbank Bedrift 0.5.6
Nordea Bank Abp
Mobilbank Bedrift er appen for din bedrift. Den gir godoversiktover bedriftens konti. Her kan du også legge inn oggodkjennebetalinger. Har du tilgang til flere bedrifter medkundeforhold iNordea, vil alle disse også være tilgjengelig.Mobilbank Bedrifthar følgende tjenester: • Saldo og kontooversikt •Kontoregulering• Betaling innland og ettergodkjenning av betalinger•Forfallsregister • Transaksjonshistorikk • Valutakurserogvalutakalkulator I tillegg vil du ha tilgang tilmarkedsnyheter(fra Nordea Markets) og muligheten til å ringe/sendee-post direktetil Kundeservice Bedrift. Pålogging For å logge innbenyttes BankIDpå mobil, og det kreves tilgang til NettbankBedrift. BankID påmobil oppretter du i din private nettbank.Support ogforbedringsforslag Har du spørsmål ellertilbakemeldinger,vennligst kontakt oss på
Nordea MyLife 6.9
Nordea Bank Abp
GET REWARDED FOR EXERCISING – RAISE YOUR INSURANCE COVER BY UPTO25% With the Nordea MyLife app, you can track yourphysicalactivity and its impact on your insurance cover. Byexercising 30minutes daily, you can get a 15% increase to yourinsurancecoverage. By exercising 60 minutes daily, you can get a 25%increase to your insurance coverage. The app also hasinspiringcontent related to overall wellbeing themes as well asbenefits anddiscounts on health-promoting products and services.The app usesyour exercise data from the Google Fit app to measureyour level ofactivity. The Nordea MyLife app is available for allNordea MyLifecustomers whose insurance policy is complemented withthe wellbeingbenefit. The app is developed for Nordea by Benify Ab.Read moreabout Nordea MyLife insurance at